Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hellooooo, Sweet Friends~

I made a card.  My close friends know what a big deal this is.  My paper crafting mojo has been gone for soooo long... but good things are happening in my life now, and this resurgence of creativity is bringing me so much joy.
My break from blogging has been quite trans-formative.  So much has happened in these past six months.  So many good things are happening in my life right now.  I feel so very blessed.
Several months ago, I cleaned out my studio-- with the help and encouragement from a dear friend.  It has lifted my heart.  (I had no idea that absurd amounts of ribbon and crap stuff could weigh me down so much.)  I've been able to have my friends over several times to play, and it's been so fun!  

My studio is my playroom again... and this girl is ready to play.


PS:  Jami, if you're reading this... this was your Christmas card!  It was returned to me because I used your old address.  Next year's card will get to you safely... I promise!


  1. Welcome back, my friend. Email me.


  2. Good to see you back, Jill! Wishing you a wonderful year!

  3. Hi Jill!
    So happy to see you are back in your creative space, and that good things are happening in your life!
    Have fun playing! Love your card!
    xoxo Debbie

  4. How nice to see you again! What a pretty the snowflakes. Purging does make a person feel rejuvenated!!

  5. Glad to see you are ready to play again...was wondering where you were. Super that you have the happy in life right now!

  6. Wooohoooo...she's back! I have missed reading your blog, and keeping up with all your goings-on, but it makes me so so happy to read that good things are happening in your life right now! Thrilled to bits to see your paper craft too (LOL How long have I been asking for you to share some?) So worth the is classic, pretty, beautiful...just like I knew your style would be :) Having friends over to play is so much fun...yay for you!

  7. It is do nice to have you. Very proud of you, that card is just stunning, so stunning that I may just have to copy it. I am glad that good things are happening and having a big clean out us very uplifting. So happy your back

  8. I'm happy to see you post Jill and glad to hear your clean out has resulted in new inspiration :) Hugs to you!!!

  9. Welcome back -- missed you! It is amazing how encouraging and inspiring a little studio housekeeping can be. I'm in the midst of it myself.

    Wishing you all the best in 2013 with an extra dose of joy. :-)

  10. So delicate and lovely.....such patience
    The Ladies at Crafton Abbey


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