I won a giveaway a few weeks ago that I've been meaning to post about. Thank goodness, I was actually able to capture it on my camera before it went
The wonderful artist and inspirational blogger/published author,
Kelly Rae Roberts had a very generous giveaway a few weeks ago. I've been a big fan of Kelly's work and blog for quite a while now. I even own some of her art already, so you can imagine how excited I must have been when I read that I had won one of her fabulous gifts! It was so fun to
receive such a wonderful surprise in the mail-- and don't you just love how she addressed the package?! It made me feel very special.

And this is the wonderful canvas print she sent me! In comparison to my other pieces, it's a pretty substantial piece, at 16"x16". I really, really love it. I love the colors, the textures, and she creates such beautiful faces! So pretty! Thank you
soooo much, Kelly!
On the stitching homefront... I haven't given up on my sampler. I just keep ripping up my most current square and re-doing it... over, and over again. (Seriously, four times... really.) It's been such a tough one to capture with thread. I will post it when I'm satisfied enough with it. Really. I promise.
Also, thank you so much, sweet bloggie friends, for your input on cameras. I actually made a decision yesterday and went with the Cannon Power Shot SX120IS. My last camera was a Cannon Power Shot also, so I think I'll be able to take pictures with it without too much confusion! I'm not very high tech. I think writing this blog is the most high tech thing I've ever done. Operating the microwave oven comes in a close 2nd.